January 04, 2004

 happy birthday, mary! 

that's me, opening what is probably the 184th bottle of wine of the evening.

mary's birthday party was last night, and i had the time of my life. probably because i got fall-down drunk, blabbed my mouth for hours and laughed myself silly watching ray & scott air-guitar to KISS.

miraculously, i don't have a hangover today. ray kept pumping various vitamins and supplements into me when we got home, and i think that helped.

even though i don't have the pounding headache, i still only got 4 hours of sleep. i've been dozing on and off all day on the couch. it's 6pm and i'm still in my pajamas and ray's getting ready to grill bacon-wrapped hot dogs for dinner.

so much for working on the drain in the bathroom. i'm glad i was productive yesterday, 'cause today has amounted to a big pile of nothing.

but it was worth it.

Posted by xta at January 4, 2004 05:56 PM | TrackBack
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