January 29, 2004

 the weirdest thing 

i saw the weirdest thing on the drive home from work.

while passing one of the 4 (!!) golf courses on my commute, i saw a group of 3 young men, all dressed nicely in sports jackets and suits, milling about on a snow-covered fairway. they had parked their SUV alongside the road and had hauled a bookcase and shelves full of books up a steep incline to a spot where they'd also set up a nice camera on a tripod.

one of the men was posing for a picture in front of the bookcase and the others were setting the scene. (just what scene i do not know.) i imagine the photo must have revealed something like a Young Republican On A Ski Slope. but why the bookcase?

to confuse things even further, the majority of young people in that area attend the baptist seminary nearby. i suspect these young men were students there.

i'm totally confounded.

Posted by xta at January 29, 2004 08:48 PM | TrackBack
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