April 06, 2004


and suddenly i feel better.

charo came over last night. we ordered delivery from the pizza palace and watched "road to singapore". i don't think charo was as entertained by it as i was. she kept saying bob & bing were "so gay". she made me giggle.

she also brought over a documentary made by jim & joyce called "the hot dog man". it's a 5 minute piece on that crazy, giant, flag-wrapped hot dog thing that stands on the sidewalk outside peek-a-boo on 9th street. we were laughing so hard my sides hurt. i never knew the hot dog man wears tube socks and tennis shoes.

last weekend i bought some really yummy pear butter at fowler's. it's incredibly good on toast. it was a nice treat when i finally hauled my ass out of bed this morning. it was difficult to wake up; i stayed up too late. 's ok, though... i'm feeling good.

Posted by xta at April 6, 2004 11:12 AM | TrackBack
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